
GMCO was founded in the United States by Hafez Hamidul Haque and Farhath Asad-Haque. We are a pending non-profit organization who has started their global efforts to help you get connected with communities that need your help! Currently, working through projects in Bangladesh then expanding to other countries in the future, InShaAllah. Our only goal, through these projects, is to achieve the pleasure of Allah.

GMCO runs through voluntary efforts and has no paid employees. 100% of your donations go toward the needy.

Fee-Sabeelillah Volunteers

Focus on Education:

For more than 250 million children and young people around the world, education is only a dream. Poverty and conflict keep education out of reach—families need their children to help bring income so school is not a priority. Yet, it is precisely access to education that is one of the surest routes OUT of poverty, according to the United Nation’s International Institute for Educational Planning.


o Helps boost weak economies
o Protects children from being forced into becoming child laborers
o Promotes social cohesion, nation-building, and respect for rights and nonviolence
o Prevents environmental degradation
o Results in better family health and reduced rates of child malnutrition and mortality
o Gives women access to better work opportunities
o Promotes an equal society and challenges patterns of gender discrimination, oppression and violence.